I have bean whaiting fot this in years and it whas whorth it
I have bean whaiting fot this in years and it whas whorth it
Cool flash and you are graite (Ehh WTF) Du är bäst
Who am I
I love this it's just so funny and the humor can top egoraptors (No offense) it's just strate upp awesome
funny as hell dude "OMG I'm a penguin" "sweet wy can't I be a penguin"
My fucking Balls
The first time a saw this I thout thad egoraptor did it but then I saw who the Author whas and it whas still awesome
Awesome dug
That must be the best one "OMG a dragon what do I do, weo weo weo BAAM" so fucking funny
Age 25, Male
Joined on 1/4/09